When tears don’t stop,
And a lump sit in throat,
When emotions are stirred,
And surfaces without control,
When thoughts refuse to leave,
And memories remain unerasable,
When the mind is cramped and crippled,
And depression befriends the feared anxiety..
When they’re all around,
But none could relate to you,
When there are words of console,
But they are merely voices to you,
When you could not move further,
But do not seem to find the way back,
When you want to battle against the grief,
But wrestle with daunting uninvited thoughts..
A stage of struggle,
Yet to soar with strength,
A phase of pressing pain,
Yet to pray with perseverance,
A moment of mourning,
Yet to march with momentum,
A time of terrifying trouble,
Yet to topple down the tribulation..
Not to give up,
But to get going,
Not to lose faith,
But to fight the fear,
Not to put an end,
But to walk the journey,
Not to be overwhelmed,
But to overcome the pressure..
To turn for help,
For the experts can share,
To look for healing,
For the broken can be fixed,
To unmask the scary scars,
For it can be worn courageously,
To seek for the lost charisma,
For life is to be embraced cheerfully!
-Catherine Thamarai A.-